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50 Over 50


With a new year comes the realization that the world is another year in what we used to think of as “the future,” and that our childhoods and youth are further and further behind.  But that isn’t a bad thing!  We believe very strongly here at Just Like Family that aging isn’t automatically a bad thing, and, in fact, can bring wonderful benefits with it, like the memories, experience and wisdom that come with the times younger people never lived through.  Which is why we think this list of 50 things people over 50 understand that no one else does is the perfect way to kick off 2014 here on the blog.  You might not think all of these things are “good,” but all of them are absolutely interesting, and it’s incredibly important to acknowledge them, because we can’t know where we’re going in a brand new year if we don’t know where we’ve been!  For example…

“When mail would come twice a day.”

“Burma Shave signs.”

“On a lighter note, the ladies always dressed up to go shopping, dresses or skirts/blouses/sweaters, heels with seamed nylons, hats/gloves. Men wore ties and jackets.”

“Air raid drills in NJ, during the 1950s — having to get under your desk in school or behind a sofa at home with all the shades and curtains pulled, no lights on. Then you’d hear an airplane fly overhead and be terrified it was a bomber.”

“Tin foil on rabbit ears and TV remotes that were connected to the TV with a cord.”

Feel the nostalgia with the rest of the list over HERE on The Huffington Post.